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Tandem 3SUN technology, a new efficiency record at 28.7%

A new record achieved during the laboratory stage on one of our 9 cm2 tandem solar cells. A milestone that confirms us as leaders in the development of new solar technologies that make “Made in Europe” solar panels increasingly competitive.

Our growth path in developing the new Tandem technology is not slowing down. After a record 2023 during which we announced three efficiency records, the last one being 28.4% in December, we have managed to exceed ourselves again, raising the power conversion efficiency levels to 28.7% on a 9 cm2 Tandem cell, after shade correction.  An important result made possible thanks to the collaboration with the CEA team at INES (the French National Institute for Solar Energy) and that has been certified by the European Solar Test Installation (ESTI) at the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC). 

This is technology with two overlapping cells (one HJT cell, namely the model with silicon heterojunction, and one perovskite cell) that guarantees a higher average energy production, and confirms a new photovoltaic revolution that sees 3SUN at the forefront once more, guaranteeing the presence of competitive, high-performing, long-lasting solar technology on the European market. 

This new record brings us ever closer to our goal of 30% efficiency for this promising technology, and confirms us as technological leader in the development of new, innovative solar cells that can make new-generation solar panels increasingly high performing. The active 9cm² surface on which we achieved the new record also further cements our leadership position, as most international efficiency records were set for 1 cm² cells. A larger cell surface translates to a higher possibility for the technology to be industrialised as soon as possible.


HJT, the perfect platform for the development of new technologies 

The starting point for everything is innate to our DNA, founded in the continuous innovation that makes 3SUN a research and development centres that can drive us forward in the development of new photovoltaic technologies that can improve our modules’ efficiency and therefore their capacity to produce energy.

The current choice of focusing on bifacial HJT technology, that captures light from the front and rear, multiplying the cell’s efficiency, has been a significant turning point, allowing us to bring a type of technology to market that compared to the most common ones available, such as TOPCorn or PERC, produces a much higher performance in terms of efficiency, duration and performance. A technology that has also allowed us to lay the foundations for developing Tandem cells and for significantly reducing the surface area required to generate a given power, like photovoltaic energy production costs.

Inside our Gigafactory, we have a pilot line to move from the research stage to the development stage of Tandem technology, so that - in line with our technology roadmap - we can begin to apply this innovative solar revolution to the panels made in the Gigafactory in the new few years. 

The future is coming closer and at 3SUn we are here to make it a better one. Thanks to innovations such as Tandem technology, we aim to make a decisive contribution to achieving the European Green Deal and REPowerEU plan objectives. The common goal is to make Europe the centre of photovoltaic production once again and allow it, thanks to its technological superiority, to have a more competitive, resilient and sustainable solar industry.