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Transition 5.0 Plan: the energy and digital future of Italian companies starts here

Find out how to innovate your business, reduce your environmental footprint and seize new growth opportunities with incentives and cutting-edge solutions for the ecological transition, thanks to 3SUN photovoltaic modules

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A digital transformation and sustainability program for Italian companies

The Transition 5.0 Plan is an initiative of the Italian government that offers tax incentives, funding and facilities to companies investing in the Country's digital and energy transformation, with the aim of accelerating the transition to a more sustainable and digitised economy

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*Activities, eligible assets, methods for calculating energy savings, time of use and procedure for accessing the facilitation are defined in the Interministerial Decree of 24 July 2024 and in the Directorial Decree of 6 August 2024

Enea's Photovoltaic Technology Register

Established in Article 12 of Decree-Law No. 181 of December 9, 2023, and later converted into law, the Photovoltaic Technology Registry of the National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA), is the tool for the classification of photovoltaic modules produced in European territory that gives access to the facilities provided by the Transition 5.0 Plan, in the case of investments for the creation of plants for the self-production of renewable energy for self-consumption. In the Registry, photovoltaic systems are classified according to specific territorial and technical requirements, according to three different sections:

Letter A

PV modules produced in EU Member States, with module efficiency equal to or greater than 21.5%

Letter B

Cell PV modules, produced in EU Member States, with cell efficiency equal to or greater than 23.5%

Letter C

Modules produced in EU Member States, with heterojunction silicon or tandem bifacial cells produced in the EU, with cell efficiency equal to or greater than 24.0%

Expenditure on investments in facilities that include the modules associated with one of these three letters (a, b, c) is included in the basis for calculating the tax credit, in the amount equal to 100%, 120% and 140% of their cost, respectively

The implementation of this Register is still in progress, therefore the photovoltaic modules eligible under the Transition 5.0 Plan are currently identified on the basis of a certificate issued by the manufacturer, in compliance with the technical and territorial requirements of this document

On 11/13/2024, ENEA announced the activation of such a registry for the cataloguing of solar modules, a key step in identifying photovoltaic products eligible for subsidies under the Transition 5.0 Plan, which until now have been indicated on the basis of a special certificate issued by the manufacturer. Producers of photovoltaic modules can now register their products with reference to Article 12 of Decree-Law No. 181 of 2023


Read the most frequently asked questions and answers:

The Transition 5.0 Plan provides companies located in Italy with a tax credit to invest in technologically advanced tangible and intangible assets that reduce the energy consumption of the production structure by at least 3%, or of production processes by at least 5%. The tax credit contribution varies according to the size of the investment and the reduction in consumption. The plan also provides subsidies for expenditure on training activities aimed at acquiring or consolidating skills in technologies relevant to the energy and digital transition of production processes

The tax credit is recognised for new investments made from 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2025, with the option of filling out all paperwork by 28 February 2026

The Transition 5.0 Plan aims to promote environmental sustainability, by reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions, and to accelerate the digitisation of Italian companies through the adoption of advanced technologies. It also aims to improve competitiveness and innovation by supporting the development of new technologies

Financed with the National Resilience and Recovery Plan funds, the Transition 5.0 Plan has a budget of EUR 6.3 billion, over the two-year period 2024-2025, in line with the short- and medium-term actions of the REPowerEU plan, aimed at fostering investments in tangible and intangible assets, self-production and self-consumption from renewable energy sources, and training

Within the scope of interventions in the field of self-generation and self-consumption from renewable sources, eligible expenditures include: tangible assets relating to electricity generation units, facilities for storing the energy produced, auxiliary plant services and transformers located upstream of the electricity grid connection. In the case of self solar power generation, only investments in installations made with photovoltaic modules that meet the technical and territorial criteria of the ENEA Register are eligible

No, investments aimed at the self-production of energy from renewable sources - such as the installation of a photovoltaic system (which complies with the territorial and technical requirements of the ENEA register) - is to be considered an intervention 'driven' by a general action of energy efficiency of the company's production processes or consumption

The Transition 5.0 tax credit is granted on condition that a reduction in energy consumption of at least 3% is achieved for the production facility or, alternatively, of at least 5% of the process concerned by the investment

The amount of the tax credit varies in relation to the investment share and the reduction in consumption, according to the table below:

Investment typeUp to 2.5 million €From 2.5 to 10 million €From 10 to 50 million €
Reduction of 3 to 6% of the energy consumption of the production facility or reduction of 5 to 10% of the energy consumption of the processes involved in the investment35%15%5%
Reduction from 6 to 10% of the energy consumption of the production structure or reduction from 10 to 15% of the energy consumption of the processes affected by the investment40%20%10%
Reduction of more than 10% in the energy consumption of the production structure or reduction of more than 15% in the energy consumption of the processes affected by the investment45%25%15%

For example, for a total investment of 2 million euros, which results in an intervention to reduce the energy consumption of the company's production facility by more than 10 percent, a base tax rate of 45 percent is assigned, equal to a tax credit of 900,000 euros

Thanks to the European high-efficiency modules in the Enea register, you'll have access to the Transition 5.0 Plan incentive that allows you to recover up to 63% of the costs of a photovoltaic system (without a battery energy storage system) as a tax credit to be collected in 1 to 5 years. The percentage of the tax credit depends on the module class, as defined by the Enea, and on the size of the total investment and the effectiveness of the energy efficiency intervention

The Plan provides for an increase in the basis for calculating the incentive for plants that include higher efficiency panels envisaged in points a), b) and c) of the ENEA Register. For example, an installation that would be entitled to a tax credit of 45%, using class C modules, gets a 140% increase resulting in a credit equivalent to 63%

No, the surcharge only applies to the cost of the photovoltaic system with or without a battery storage system

For solar photovoltaic power plants, the maximum eligible cost under the plan varies between 800 and 1350 euro/kW, depending on the size of the plant. Expenditure on the purchase and installation of storage systems for electricity produced is eligible for tax credit up to a maximum total amount of EUR 900/kWh

The recently published Decree that implements the Transition 5.0 Plan stipulated that the tax credit could only be cumulated with other facilities financed with national resources, and not with 'other facilities provided under EU programmes and instruments', such as the National Resilience and Recovery plan.  Thus, the 40% contribution of the investment cost (National Resilience and Recovery plan contribution) provided for Renewable Energy Communities in municipalities under 5,000 inhabitants cannot be cumulated with the benefit from the Transition 5.0 Plan

Two certifications (one 'ex ante' and one 'ex post') must be submitted to obtain the tax relief. The first, issued by an independent evaluator, certifies the reduction in energy consumption achievable through the planned investments, while the second will prove the actual implementation of these investments in accordance with the 'ex ante' certification

In addition, in order to book the tax credit, companies must send an Advance Notification, accompanied by the 'ex-ante' certification, via the 'Transition 5.0' IT Platform of the GSE (Gestore Servizi Energetici), accessible via SPID through the customer area

The evaluations and certifications required to access the Transition 5.0 Plan must be carried out by qualified professionals, such as Energy Management Experts certified according to UNI CEI 11339, Energy Service Companies (ESCo) certified according to UNI CEI 11352, and engineers or industrial experts registered with professional registers with proven experience in the energy efficiency of production processes

More information on the Italian government's plan can be found on the website of the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy: https://www.mimit.gov.it/it/incentivi/piano-transizione-5-0 as well as the Ministry's FAQs:https://www.mimit.gov.it/images/stories/documenti/FAQ_MIMIT_2024.pdf

Transition 5.0 and photovoltaic modules: frequently asked questions  


3SUN B60 LE: more energy for your investment

Efficiency above 21.5%

Manufactured in Italy, with an efficiency of over 21.5%, 3SUN B60 LE module allows access to the benefits of the Transition 5.0 Plan. The measure allows a tax credit for investments in tangible assets aimed at reducing energy consumption and improving the energy efficiency and production processes of Italian companies. In particular, in the case of self energy production from solar sources, the incentive is limited exclusively to investments in systems made with photovoltaic modules such as our B60 LE, i.e., 'made in EU' products that meet the technical and territorial requirements of ENEA's Photovoltaic Technology Register (Article 12 of Decree-Law No. 181 of 9 December 2023)

Double-sided HJT technology

With the B60 LE module, we bring to the market 3SUN's decades of experience in the development and industrialisation of HJT technology; through it, we are able to make the best choices both in the production process and in the selection of materials, and this makes B60 LE a high-quality, high-performing top-rated product. With this product, we stand out on the market thanks to the high energy yields, obtained through a lower annual degradation, an excellent bifaciality coefficient and greater stability at high temperatures. This means more energy for the customer, more savings on the bill and more independence from the grid. In addition, the B60 LE module's high output means that fewer modules are needed for the same size of photovoltaic system, reducing installation times as well as packaging materials to be disposed of, mounting structures and wiring

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Download the B60 LE product datasheet

3SUN B60 LE module datasheet
PDF (0.37MB) Download

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